Plan miasta Skoszyn

Skoszyn - Najnowsze wiadomości:

Spectacular goal enough for SC men

Sophomore forward Louie Djokic (Livonia Stevenson) chipped the ball up through the middle in front of Owens goalkeeper David Skoszyn (seven saves) and Lyoha did the rest. He fielded the ball, spun around on a dime and drove the ball ...
źródło: BlogSearch

Spectacular goal enough for SC men

Sophomore forward Louie Djokic (Livonia Stevenson) chipped the ball up through the middle in front of Owens goalkeeper David Skoszyn (seven saves) and Lyoha did the rest. He fielded the ball, spun around on a dime and drove the ball ...
źródło: BlogSearch

spectacular goal enough for sc men

sophomore forward louie djokic (livonia stevenson) chipped the ball up through the middle in front of owens goalkeeper david skoszyn (seven saves) and lyoha did the rest. he fielded the ball, spun around on a dime and drove the ball ...
źródło: BlogSearch
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